North Berwick in Bloom Tulip Festival
It's worth a visit to the North Berwick in Bloom website at any time of year but it's lovely to see that their annual Tulip Festival...

Talk - Logan Botanic Gardens - 11 March 2020
Curator Richard Baines will join us to talk about the wonderful Logan Botanic Garden, in one of Scotland's farthest flung corners, in the...

Tattie Talk - 12 Feb 2020
We're delighted to welcome potato guru John Marshall to Gifford in February, to deliver one of his famous Tattie Talks. John is a winner...

2019-2020 Gifford Horti Season - Talks & Events
Gifford Horticultural Society Talks and Events

9th October - Evening Talk about National Trust Gardens in East Lothian & The Borders
An evening talk by Colin Wren, who will speak about the Trust's range of gardens in the area. Colin is one of four gardener managers for...

Scarecrows & Dogs at the Flower Show
A reminder that, not only do we have the usual classes at the Flower Show, we also have the family friendly Scarecrow competition, where...

Flower Show Timetable
Did you know you can start staging your Flower Show entries from Friday 16th August, 1-8pm and on Saturday from 7am - 9.45am? If you're a...

Plant Sale - Saturday 18th May 2019, 10-12noon
Our ever popular annual plant sale takes place in the Village Hall on Saturday 18th May and is a great opportunity to pick up some...

Gifford Flower Show - 17 & 18 August 2019
Look out for the Flower Show Schedule now available around the Village and online - so you can all start planning your entries for this...

Annual Outing to Branklyn & Glendoick
This year we will visit Glendoick Gardens and Branklyn Garden in Perthshire. The cost for the day will be £30, including a light lunch at...