Flower Show 2024
Our annual Flower Show took place in the marquee on the village green
on Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th August.
Browse or download the Schedule here
Lamb Quaich for most points in the pre-school section - Clemmie Cope
Community Council Cup for most points in 5-7 year old section - Dylan McDonald
The GHS Trophy fo rmost points in 8-11 year old section - Grace Carnwath
The Harley Plate for Handwriting - Grace Carnwath
The Lady Maryoth Hay Trophy fo rthe Best Miniature Garden - Martha Fry
The Arnott Award for Imaginative Thinkers - Dylan McDonald
The Harrison Trophy for most points in 12 - 16 year old section - Kaya Knight
The Handcraft Salvery for Class 815, Best Painting - Anthea Skea
Willie Bathgate Cup for Class 507. Best basket arrangement of fresh flowers - Claire Gobourn
The Gifford Quaich for the Best Dish of Fruit - Guy Donaldson
The Yvonne Henderson Trophy for Lemon DrizzleCake - Anna Tolley
The Anna Wilson Trophy for Shortbread - Jacquie Dunlop
The Watson Trophy for the Best Onion Exhibit - Jim Williams
The Seak Trophy for the Best Exhibit of Tomatoes - Andy McBain
The Saltoun Trophy for the Best Vegetable Exhibit - Jim Williams
The Duchess Kay Trophy for the Best Fuchsia - Andy Banks
GHS 15-th Anniversary Trophy for Best Flowering Pot Plant - Andy Banks
Sir Peter Reid Memorial Trophy for Best Exhibit of Sweet Peas - Tom Martin
The Royal British Legion Tankard for best exhibit Hybrid Tea roses - Ann Jeffray
The Duncan Fairbairn Trophy for best Dahlia in show - Susan Martin
The Hector Campbell Rose Bowl for Best Exhibit of Floribunda Roses - Jeanie Cole
The David Grindlay Trophy for Best Collection of Vegetables - Jim Williams
The Braidie Trophy for most points in Handicraft section - Rosemary Everett
Lady Tweeddale Trophy for most points in Preserves & Baking sections - Susanna Hamilton
The Charles K Murphy Trophy for most points Floral Art - Claire Gobourn
The Vale Trophy for the Best Exhibit in Floral Art - Ann Mackenzie
The David Bell Centenary Rose Bowl for most points in Vegetable & Fruit section - Tom Martin
East Lothian Council Trophy for most points in Plants Section - Andy Banks
The Royal Bank Trophy for the Best Flower in Show - Andy Banks
The John Tait Memorial Trophy for most points in Flower Section - Beryl McNaughton