General Data Protection Regulations
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come in to force on 25 May 2018. Under the new regulations, GHS needs to advise members how we use the personal data that they provide as part of membership applications. Your details are stored electronically, and are protected by password; they may be accessed by certain members of the GHS Committee. From time to time, paper copies of your data will be produced for administrative purposes. Your details will be used to enable the GHS to communicate with you about the activities and business of the Society.
Please help us to keep your records accurate by updating any changes to your name, address, email or telephone details. We will not share or sell your personal information with any other organisation. We will contact you if there has been a breach of the safety of your personal information. We will not keep your details beyond three years. All data will be disposed of securely.
If you wish to see what information we keep about you, please apply in writing to the GHS Membership Secretary, Roger Wilson, Blythehill, Tweeddale Avenue, Gifford, EH41 4QN. All applications will be dealt with within 40 days.